April 30, 2019 – Pretty Jane

Thoughts on the love scene:

  1. Budgeted 1500 words. Wrote 3200. Not even a little sorry.
  2. Blew half an hour researching the various types of wax jobs. That was fun. Almost gave PJ the Martini before I came to my senses.
  3. The freaky nipple condition is legit, but I couldn’t seem to find a name for it. Blew another ten minutes researching that.
  4. Note to all men: those mountains of bedroom throw pillows aren’t completely useless.
  5. Beau telling PJ “this is gonna be so much better ’cause ya did” is seriously one of my favorite lines in the book.
  6. Ha! I knew that vanilla gelato reference was going to come in handy later in the book.